September 21, 2024
The volumes of oil production and export exceeded the pre-war periods thumbnail

The volumes of oil production and export exceeded the pre-war periods

In Ukraine, in the 2023-2024 marketing year (MR), sunflower oil production volumes increased by 13.7% and export volumes increased by 17% compared to the pre-war 2020-2021 MR.”, — write:

In Ukraine, in the 2023-2024 marketing year (MR), sunflower oil production volumes increased by 13.7% and export volumes increased by 17% compared to the pre-war 2020-2021 MR.

This was reported by the press service of the “Ukroliyaprom” association. transmits “Ukrinform”.

“The production and export volumes of sunflower oil not only reached, but also exceeded some pre-war periods, and amounted to 6.6 million tons and 6.2 million tons, respectively. Compared to the pre-war 2020/21 MR, the production and export volumes of sunflower oil in 2023/24 MR increased by 13.7% and 17%, respectively,” the report says.

The increase in the production of sunflower oil contributed to the increase in the processing of seeds. In particular, 14.8 million tons of sunflower seeds were processed, which is 1.3 million tons more compared to 2022/23 MR.

For the first time, 1 million tons of rapeseed were processed in Ukraine, which is 23.3% of last year’s harvest, and the export of rapeseed oil reached a record 424,000 tons (+404% compared to 2022/23). The production and export of soybean oil and meal also increased – by 22% and 29%, respectively.

In total, 17.4 million tons of oilseeds were processed in Ukraine, of which 14.8 million tons of sunflower, 1.6 million tons of soybeans, and one million tons of rapeseed.

According to forecasts of “Ukroliyaprom”, in 2024/25 MR, sunflower production will decrease to 12-12.5 million tons, due to a reduction in its cultivated area by 2-3%. At the same time, the production of soybeans will increase to 5.1-5.5 million tons, thanks to an increase in the area of ​​sowing by more than 46%. The production of rapeseed is expected at the level of 3.4-3.6 million tons against 4.1-4.4 million tons in 2023/24 MY.

We will remind:

In the summer, the oilseed processing plant of one of the largest Ukrainian agricultural holdings “Kernel” was located in the west of Ukraine damaged as a result of a drone attack by Russia.

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