September 21, 2024
People's deputy from "Batkivshchyna" may be involved in illegal self-construction on state lands – thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

People’s deputy from “Batkivshchyna” may be involved in illegal self-construction on state lands –

People’s deputy from “Batkivshchyna” may be involved in illegal self-construction on state land – People’s deputy from “Batkivshchyna” Valery Dubil may be involved in illegal construction on state land in Chernihiv region.”, — write:

People’s deputy from “Batkivshchyna” may be involved in illegal self-construction on state lands –

People’s deputy from “Batkivshchyna” Valery Dubil may be involved in illegal construction on state lands in Chernihiv region.


Details: In Chernihiv Region, on the land plot of the state enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”, illegal constructions were erected, which the court recognized as illegal. Since February 2024, the Prylutsk District Prosecutor’s Office has been trying to force the demolition of the buildings through the court, but the situation is complicated by the fact that those responsible for the construction have not yet been identified.

However, journalists say that everything points to the involvement of the People’s Deputy from the “Batkivshchyna” party Valery Dubil in this case.

In the decision of the Commercial Court of Chernihiv Region dated June 13, 2024, it is stated that the area of ​​the seized plot is 54 acres.

Journalists found out that in 2022 it was transferred to the charity fund “Youth Initiative “Nadia”. This fund is associated with Valery Dubil: he is the chairman of the supervisory board, and two of his sons are among the founders.

Investigators claim that at the end of 2021, the charitable foundation asked to allocate 4.4 hectares of land in the forest to him for long-term use – for 49 years. On February 10, 2022, “Nadia” sent the final letter with a request to hand over the forest for use with all the collected consents to Chernihiv regional administration.

In September 2022, the Chernihiv Regional State Administration decided to transfer this land to the fund for five years, but the contract was signed only in March 2024.

The journalists established that the construction of the self-build began in 2017, long before the official conclusion of the contract. Even then, there were visible signs of construction, but neither the prosecutor’s office nor the law enforcement officers took measures to stop illegal construction. It is interesting that the estate of the Dubil family is located nearby, which only strengthens suspicions about their participation in this construction.

According to the investigators, everything points to the fact that someone was sure that it was possible to build, and “documents are drawn up later.”

Also, according to journalists, the Prylutsky district police department even investigated a criminal proceeding regarding the seizure of the site from 2021. “They were looking for those who seized the plot and are building it,” the investigators note.

Moreover, the journalists claim that in the course of the investigation, Dubil gained access to their requests, in particular, to those sent to the prosecutor’s office. It is not known how exactly the documents ended up in the possession of the People’s Deputy. However, Dubil himself agreed to the meeting, although he refused to comment on camera.

“The court recognizes that the construction is illegal, it must be demolished. But the person who built it must demolish it. And it is definitely not “Forests of Ukraine”. And the prosecutor’s office has not yet questioned Dubil’s foundation,” the investigation says.

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