September 20, 2024
The authorities of Kyiv warned about the deterioration of the air condition thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The authorities of Kyiv warned about the deterioration of the air condition

“The probable cause of the temporary deterioration of the air condition is fires in the ecosystem of the Kyiv region””, — write:

The Kyiv City State Administration has warned of a temporary worsening of the air condition in the capital of Ukraine and advises residents to refrain from ventilating the premises and limit their time outside.

“According to the Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change of the KMDA, as of 7:00 a.m., an increase in the concentration of suspended particles (dust) has been recorded. The probable reason for the temporary deterioration of the air condition is fires in the ecosystem of the Kyiv region,” the report says.

The KMDA specified that fires in the ecosystem were recorded in the Vyshgorod district.

To improve the situation with the air condition, it is recommended to close the windows, limit being outside, drink a lot of water, and if there is an air purifier, then turn it on to the maximum.

The day before, the Ministry of Environment reported that 19 forest fires on an approximate area of ​​more than 2.6 thousand hectares are currently under control in Ukraine, of which 16 are large fires. In particular, according to the report, a fire is being extinguished near Kyiv in the Dubechansky and Novosilkivsky forestry on an area of ​​146 hectares, “which arose as a result of the negligence of citizens.” The same situation, according to the ministry, in the Fenevytsia Forestry – the fire was localized on an area of ​​56 hectares. “In most cases, fires are caused by ordinary citizens who burn dry vegetation in gardens, after which the fire spreads to forest areas,” the Ministry of Environment emphasized.

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