September 19, 2024
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry received the first money from frozen Russian assets thumbnail

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry received the first money from frozen Russian assets

Denmark has placed a large order with one of the Ukrainian military enterprises.”, — write:

Denmark has placed a large order with one of the Ukrainian military enterprises.

Denmark paid for the release of the self-propelled guns Denmark paid for the release of the “Bohdan” self-propelled guns / photo of the income from frozen Russian assets is directed to the financing of Ukrainian defense enterprises. In particular, this money was used to pay for the production of Ukrainian “Bohdan” howitzers.

The Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine, Katarina Maternova, said this in an interview with EvroPravda. She noted that the first 1.4 billion euros were allocated from the interest “dripping” from these assets in favor of Ukraine in August, at the expense of which several EU countries received money for new supplies of weapons.

“But it is much more important that 400 million euros from this amount will go to Ukrainian defense enterprises. It was Denmark that came up with such a system. It was the first country that concluded a contract with a Ukrainian enterprise and paid for the production of “Bohdan” howitzers for the Armed Forces. So, we poured this amount through Denmark to the Ukrainian defense industry. Agree, this is a rather significant amount… And this is such exquisite justice – you make howitzers with the funds of Russian frozen assets,” Maternova detailed.

The diplomat added that they want to plan an even larger amount from the next tranche of the frozen assets of the Russian Federation to finance the production of weapons by Ukrainian military factories.

“Because you produce the same weapons of the same quality, but for less money, you do it faster, transport and logistics costs are lower, and in addition, manufacturers pay taxes in Ukraine,” she explained.

Frozen assets of the Russian Federation – the latest news Earlier, experts found out that the frozen assets of the Russian Federation would be enough to fundamentally change the situation at the front. In particular, this money could buy all the F-16 fighters in the world (more than 4,600 such aircraft were built in total).

Moscow recently lost a court case regarding assets frozen in the EU. The amount of assets of the Russian NSD (“Национальный расчётный десопитарий”), which were frozen in the Euroclear depository, is estimated at approximately 70 billion euros.

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