September 20, 2024
The migration service reported the number of Hasidim who came to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah thumbnail

The migration service reported the number of Hasidim who came to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah

Hasidic pilgrims began arriving in Cherkasy region to celebrate the Jewish New Year – Rosh Hashanah, which this year is celebrated in October, the press service of the State Migration Service of Ukraine reported. “Today, the head of the Central-Southern Interregional Department of the State Migration Service, Andriy Kocherga, paid a working visit to the city of Uman. Together with the employees of the Uman branch of the CPMU of the State Medical Center, they visited the quarter where the Hasidim live, the grave”, — write on:

Hasidic pilgrims began arriving in Cherkasy to celebrate the Jewish New Year — Rosh Hashanah, which this year is celebrated in October

This was reported by the press service of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

“Today, the head of the Central-Southern Interregional Department of the State Migration Service, Andriy Kocherga, paid a working visit to the city of Uman. Together with the employees of the Uman department of the CPMU, the State Security Service visited the quarter where the Hasids live, the grave of the founder of Bratslav Hasidism, Tzadik Nahman, and with the participation of representatives of the Uman District Police Department of the State Police in the region and the Department of Strategic Investigations in the Cherkasy Region of the Department of the National Police of Ukraine, they discussed joint measures. The main emphasis of the meeting: the security component of the stay of foreign pilgrims and control over their compliance with the legislation on the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons,” the message reads.

The Migration Service noted that up to half a thousand Hasidim have already arrived in Uman, but a mass arrival of pilgrims is expected as early as next week. In view of this, the Migration Service, together with law enforcement agencies, have switched to an enhanced mode of operation.

This year, the most crowded celebration of Rosh Hashanah is planned, with the participation of more than 50,000 pilgrims. As a reminder, this year Rosh Hashanah will be celebrated on October 2-4.

The Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine Mykhailo Brodsky predicts that twice as many Hasidim will come to Uman this year than last year.

Last year, 35,000 Hasidim arrived in Uman, Cherkasy Oblast, for Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the new year.

And on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel Yevhen Korniychuk called on the Israeli side to provide Ukraine with air defense equipment to protect its own civilians during visits to Uman.

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