September 19, 2024
Military NEWS

Mines are dropped from drones: the Armed Forces explained why the Russians mine the area in the Kharkiv Region

Is this evidence of the enemy’s refusal of offensive operations on the air of the national telethon “Yedini Novyni” explained the spokesman of OTU “Kharkiv” Vitaly Sarantsev. – They mine…”, — write on:

Read for: < 1 min. September 18, 2024, 9:32 p.m

Anti-personnel mine PFM-1 “Lepetok” In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian occupiers intensified remote mining of the area in front of their advanced positions.

Is this evidence of the enemy’s refusal of offensive operations on the air of the national telethon “Yedini Novyni” explained the spokesman of OTU “Kharkiv” Vitaly Sarantsev.

— They are not mining a continuous territory, but are conducting reconnaissance of possible routes for the advancement of our forces and are carrying out mine dumping on these possible routes. They drop the PFM-1 mine – the so-called “Petal”, he said.

Recently, the fighters of the units of the Defense Forces also discovered new anti-personnel mines, which were probably manufactured in an artisanal way.

– Recently, it was noticed that they are trying to use a new type of ammunition – this is a mine, the body of which is made on a 3D printer. It is made of plastic, that is, it does not have increased electromagnetic sensitivity. Inside, it is stuffed with TNT and has a detonator, the spokesman said.

It is precisely such mines that the Russian occupiers scatter on the routes of the possible advance of units of the Defense Forces.

— This is done with the help of UAVs. I won’t say it’s a systemic thing, but it means that the enemy needs more time to prepare for a counterattack. In this way, they are trying to restrain the possible advance of units of the Defense Forces, – explained Vitaly Sarantsev.

At the same time, he emphasized that the Russian occupiers have not given up their aggressive intentions. They move and accumulate personnel, reform and reformat assault groups, try to establish a system of command, communication and supply in order to accumulate forces and resume offensive operations.

Earlier, ArmiyaInform reported that the occupiers began to scatter anti-personnel mines of a new type in the north of Kharkiv region, which are similar in principle to the banned PFM-1 “Lepetok” mine.

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