September 20, 2024
A deposit was made for the former head of Dnipropetrovsk OVA Reznichenko thumbnail

A deposit was made for the former head of Dnipropetrovsk OVA Reznichenko

For the former head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration Valentyn Reznichenko, bail in the amount of 30 million hryvnias was made in the case of assigning damages to the state during road repairs in the amount of over 286 million hryvnias. This information was confirmed by the spokeswoman of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP) Olga Postoliuk. The issue of a possible appeal against this decision is currently being resolved. Earlier we wrote that the Supreme Anticorruption”, — write on:

For the former head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration Valentyn Reznichenko, bail in the amount of 30 million hryvnias was made in the case of assigning damages to the state during road repairs in the amount of over 286 million hryvnias.

This information was confirmed by the spokeswoman of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP) Olga Postoliuk. The issue of a possible appeal against this decision is currently being resolved.

Earlier, we wrote that the High Anti-Corruption Court chose a preventive measure against the former head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Valentyn Reznichenko. The suspect in embezzlement of over 286 million hryvnias for road repair was allowed to leave on bail in the amount of 30 million hryvnias.

We will also remind you that the law enforcement officers exposed corruption in the repair of roads. The former head of the Regional State Administration and his deputy were informed of the suspicion – the court ordered a bail of UAH 15 million.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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