September 20, 2024
It became known how many people live in the territories controlled by Ukraine thumbnail

It became known how many people live in the territories controlled by Ukraine

Ella Libanova, director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research named after Mykhailo Ptukh of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, reported that 16 to 30 million citizens live in the territories controlled by Ukraine. She also noted that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates the number of Ukrainians who have left abroad at 6 million, including about 1.2 million Ukrainians in Russia, although”, — write on:

Ella Libanova, director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research named after Mykhailo Ptukh of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, reported that 16 to 30 million citizens live in the territories controlled by Ukraine.

She also noted that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates the number of Ukrainians who have gone abroad at 6 million, including about 1.2 million Ukrainians in Russia, although the exact number is unknown.

According to Eurostat data, in mid-August 2024, 4.2 million Ukrainians with temporary protection status were in the EU. The population of Ukraine, which in 1991 was 52 million, is now estimated at 35 million, of which 31 million live in the controlled territories. Currently, 2.3 million people live in Crimea, and 1.8 million live in other occupied territories.

The forecast for 2050 predicts that the population of Ukraine will decrease to 25.2 million people.

Earlier we wrote that during the war, Ukraine and the Russian Federation lost a total of about a million servicemen killed and wounded.

We will also remind you that in the first quarter of this year, 6% fewer newborns were recorded in South Korea than in the same period last year, while the death rate is increasing.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

!function(){var t=new Date;try{t=new Date(t.toLocaleString(“en-US”,{timeZone:”Europe/Kiev”}))}catch(e){}var r,n ,a=[t.getFullYear().toString(),(“0″+(t.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2),(“0″+t.getDate().toString()).substr(-2)].join(“”),o=(n=(r=document.getElementsByClassName(“r24686″)).length)?r[n-1]:null,s=function(){var t,e,r=””,n=”abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz”,a=Math.floor(2*Math.random()+4);for(t=0;t

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