September 20, 2024
A Russian intelligence agent who spied on defense facilities was convicted in Kyiv thumbnail

A Russian intelligence agent who spied on defense facilities was convicted in Kyiv

In Kyiv, an agent of the Russian military intelligence (GRU) was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The man was spying on the defense plant. The Security Service of Ukraine reports this in Telegram. According to the investigation, the enemy accomplice turned out to be a 50-year-old local resident who worked for the military intelligence of the Russian Federation. The man spied on the movement of Ukrainian weapons in the direction of the eastern and southern fronts, and to fulfill the enemy’s task he”, — write on:

In Kyiv, an agent of the Russian military intelligence (GRU) was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The man was spying on the defense plant.

The Security Service of Ukraine reports this in Telegram.

According to the investigation, the enemy accomplice turned out to be a 50-year-old local resident who worked for the military intelligence of the Russian Federation. The man spied on the movement of Ukrainian weapons in the direction of the eastern and southern fronts, and to fulfill the enemy’s task, he got a job at one of the capital’s factories, where he fulfilled state defense orders.

The traitor monitored the consequences of Russian airstrikes on the territory of the Kyiv region and “leaked” relevant information to his curator.

Counter-intelligence officers of the Security Service exposed the enemy accomplice in time, documented his intelligence activity and detained him as a result of a special operation in early February 2023.

According to SBU materials, the court sentenced the man to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.

According to the investigation, the agent came to the attention of the occupiers through his acquaintances from Russia, with whom he maintained contact. In order to obtain information about the consequences of enemy “arrivals”, the person involved traveled around the city and covertly photographed the damaged buildings of the capital with reference to the area.

He forwarded the intelligence to the Russian curator, who then “reported” to the Russian GRU.

Based on the evidence gathered by the investigators of the Security Service, the agent was found guilty under Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (treason committed under martial law).

Earlier, the Security Service detained an FSB agent who was operating in Chernihiv Oblast. The perpetrator adjusted rocket attacks on the regional center and prepared a series of arson attacks on Ukrzaliznytsia facilities.

On September 12, law enforcement officers detained another five arsonists of armed forces vehicles. They worked in the capital in several districts on the order of the special services of the Russian Federation.

On the night of September 11, two schoolboys, 13 and 14 years old, burned down a multipurpose Mi-8 helicopter in Noyabrsk, Russia. They were promised 5 million rubles (2.24 million hryvnias) for this “task”.

In the Darnytsky district of Kyiv, two residents of the capital were notified of suspicion of obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations during a special period (Part 1 of Article 114-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). They are accused of setting fire to a military vehicle.

We will also remind that three collaborators were detained in the Donetsk region, who set fire to the cars of the Defense Forces of Ukraine on the order of the Russian special services.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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