September 20, 2024
Detention of acting head of MSEK on a bribe for establishing a conscript's disability: the head of KOVA told the details thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Detention of acting head of MSEK on a bribe for establishing a conscript’s disability: the head of KOVA told the details

Detention of acting head of MSEK on a bribe for establishing a conscript’s disability: the head of KOVA told the details Detained acting of the head of the Fastiv inter-district MSEK for demanding $10,000 for establishing a conscript’s disability. KOVA provided assistance to the prosecutor’s office in the investigation, said its head, Ruslan Kravchenko.”, — write on:

The Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office reported the suspicion of Acting the head of the Fastiv inter-district MSEK, who was detained for extorting $10,000 for establishing a conscript’s disability. The Kyiv regional state administration provided comprehensive assistance to the prosecutor’s office in the investigation of the case. Ruslan Kravchenko, head of KOVA, said this on Facebook, reports UNN.

As Kravchenko pointed out, the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office reported the suspicion of Acting the head of the Fastivska inter-district MSEK, who was detained while receiving 10,000 US dollars for establishing the 3rd group of disability to a conscripted man who did not have the right to do so.

The Kyiv regional state administration provided comprehensive assistance to the prosecutor’s office, and thanks to this, the entire procedure of conducting a medical and social examination and issuing relevant medical documents was documented. I hope that this situation will serve as a good example for others who want to make money from illegal things. Everyone will have to answer to the law

The head of the OVA also emphasized that all those involved in corruption crimes and schemes will bear due responsibility. He repeatedly warned about this.

“Together with the law enforcement officers of the Kyiv region, they have built an effective anti-corruption system in the region, which has real results. They are seen by society, they are seen by international partners. Because there is trust in the authorities only when the fight against corruption is not limited to words. The demand for justice in society, especially in under the conditions of the war, it is extremely large. And effective work is expected from each of us at all levels,” added Kravchenko.

Earlier UNN reported that the capital’s law enforcement officers exposed the acting of the head of the inter-district medical and social expert commission (MSEK) in demanding 10 thousand dollars for establishing the conscript’s third group of disabilities.

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