September 20, 2024
Economic reservation will not solve the problem with the shortage of personnel, which already exists in Ukraine, - CEO of Metinvest thumbnail

Economic reservation will not solve the problem with the shortage of personnel, which already exists in Ukraine, – CEO of Metinvest

Economic reservation carries political and social risks and can divide society, Ryzhenkov believes.”, — write:

Economic reservation carries political and social risks and can divide society, Ryzhenkov believes.

Economic reservation will not solve the problem with the shortage of personnel, which already exists in Ukraine, according to the CEO of MetinvestEconomic reservation will not solve the problem with the shortage of personnel, which already exists in Ukraine, according to the CEO of MetinvestThe shortage of personnel is the main challenge for industrial enterprises of Ukraine, because now they are faced with a situation where they cannot increase production due to a lack of workers. General Director of Metinvest Yuriy Ryzhenkov told about this in an interview with Forbes.

“Since the beginning of the war, 9,000 of our employees have been mobilized, which is 16% of the staff. Why? Because it is much easier to mobilize men in a large transparent enterprise. Therefore, we need to think about how to solve this problem for transparent companies. As a strategic enterprise, we have armor by 50% of employees. But it did not correct the situation,” Ryzhenkov says.

He explained that the training of a specialist usually takes 2-3 years, so the company simply does not have time to train new personnel. Instead, the economic reservation proposed by the officials will not solve the problem of shortage of manpower and will only divide the society.

“Economic reservation carries political and social risks and can divide society. In addition, we have many workers who earn from 15 to 30 thousand UAH. They no longer fall under economic reservation, but they are very important for us. Therefore, in itself economic reservation will not solve the problem: there must be a set of solutions that will enable the economy to function and at the same time attract enough people to the army,” Ryzhenkov is convinced.

As you know, information appeared earlier that the President’s Office abandoned the idea of ​​”economic reservation”, which provides for reservation only for Ukrainians with high salaries. This approach caused a wave of criticism among the military, experts and the public. But later some officials still returned to this idea.

Instead, economists say that the very idea of ​​reservations is not to save someone from the service, but to prevent the economy from collapsing due to the withdrawal of skilled and experienced employees from companies, which take a lot of time and resources to train. Therefore, first of all, the government’s reservation models need to be discussed with Ukrainian employers.

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