September 20, 2024
Most of the cities of the occupied Luhansk region are drowning in garbage dumps thumbnail

Most of the cities of the occupied Luhansk region are drowning in garbage dumps

Artem Lysohor, the head of the Luhansk OVA, noted that people choose places right within the boundaries of settlements, where they begin to accumulate waste. He said this on the air of the “Espresso” TV channel. “Most of the cities of the occupied Luhansk region are drowning in garbage dumps because no one is engaged in proper waste disposal, and garbage is not taken away. People choose places right within the population limits”, — write on:

Artem Lysohor, the head of the Luhansk Regional Administrative Office, noted that people choose places right within the boundaries of settlements, where waste begins to accumulate

He said this on the air of the Espresso TV channel.

“Most of the cities of the occupied Luhansk region are drowning in garbage dumps because no one is engaged in proper waste disposal, and garbage is not taken away. People choose places right within the boundaries of settlements, where waste begins to accumulate. This leads to the appearance of rats and mice and poses a threat to ecology,” noted Lysohor.

According to the head of the Luhansk OVA, the occupiers promised to build six waste processing plants, but nothing is being done, and the problem is only getting worse.

“Garbage simply accumulates, and recycling is limited to the fact that it is rolled by bulldozers on the outskirts of the city – and that’s all,” Lysohor emphasized.

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