September 20, 2024
The new president of Iran declared his readiness to resume nuclear negotiations with Western countries thumbnail

The new president of Iran declared his readiness to resume nuclear negotiations with Western countries

According to the leader of Iran, his country seeks world peace, not war.”, — write:

According to the leader of Iran, his country seeks world peace, not war.

It is known that soon the new president of Iran will make his first speech at the UN General Assembly / UNIAN collage, photo, WikipediaIt is known that soon the new president of Iran will make his first speech at the UN General Assembly / UNIAN collage, photo, WikipediaThe new president of Iran, Masoud Pezeshkiyan, once again declared his openness to the resumption of nuclear negotiations with Western countries and denied that his country supplied Russia with ballistic missiles, the Financial Times reports.

In particular, at his first press conference with local and foreign media, he mentioned strong ties with the Kremlin and added that at a time when the Islamic Republic is fighting Western sanctions, the Russian Federation has provided the country with substantial support.

“Some [військові] exchanges could have taken place in the past and there were no obstacles to this. But what can be said with certainty is that this [відправлення балістичних ракет до Росії] has not happened since we took office,” Pezeshkiyan told reporters in Tehran on Monday.

At the same time, the Iranian president emphasized that his government seeks peace, not war in the world, so it is ready to consider the possibility of resuming negotiations on the country’s nuclear programs, for example, the agreement that Iran signed with world powers in 2015.

The FT recalled that in 2019, then US President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement and imposed tough sanctions on Iran. In response, Tehran has been enriching uranium to 60% purity for three years, which is close to weapons grade.

“We seek a return to the framework of the nuclear agreement [2015 року]. If they stop, we will stop too. If they are committed to the deal, so will we. We do not seek nuclear weapons. But we will not succumb to pressure,” Pezeshkiyan warned.

The politician emphasized that “we don’t want to be under sanctions and we don’t want to fight with anyone” and called on the US to “respect the rights of our people and not make conspiracies.”

According to him, the Islamic Republic will be “devoted to its agreements with the USA and Europe”.

In turn, Western diplomats said they are ready to give a chance to negotiations, but they believe that Iran cooperates with Russia militarily, supporting the war against Ukraine, so this significantly reduces the possibility of reaching a new nuclear agreement, writes the FT.

The publication added that Pezeshkiyan uses diplomacy to try to restore Iran’s image both at home and abroad. In particular, this month the Iranian president will visit New York to deliver his first speech at the UN General Assembly.

The Financial Times believes that Pezeshkiyan will criticize Israel for the war in Gaza, but will also talk about the possibility of resuming negotiations with Western countries.

Delivery of Iranian missiles to Russia – what is knownEarlier, The Telegraph wrote that Russia could share nuclear secrets with Iran in exchange for missiles to be used in the war against Ukraine. Journalists said that at a summit in Washington, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden discussed the threat of increased military cooperation by the two biggest adversaries of Western countries.

At the same time, the foreign ministers of the G-7 countries called on Iran not to supply Russia with missiles and drones for the war against Ukraine. The corresponding statement emphasized that the G-7 is trying with all its might to hold Iran accountable for supporting the war and has already responded with “significant new measures.”

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