September 20, 2024
Stormy wind. Weather forecast - about gusts, rain, night cold and everything else that awaits the country until the end of September thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Stormy wind. Weather forecast – about gusts, rain, night cold and everything else that awaits the country until the end of September

Stormy wind. Weather forecaster – about gusts, rain, night cold and everything else that awaits the country until the end of September September 16, 18:36 NV Premium Share: The Ukrhydrometeorological center told how long it will be windy, how much colder it will be at night already this week and what kind of weather awaits of Ukrainians until the end of September (Photo: Yuliy Zozulya / Ukrinform) Author: Svitlana Ugniva Nataliya Ptukha, forecaster of the Ukrhydrometeorological center spoke in detail about”, — write on:

Stormy wind. Weather forecast – about gusts, rain, night cold and everything else that awaits the country until the end of September

September 16, 18:36
NV Premium

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center told how long it will be windy, how much colder it will be at night already this week, and what kind of weather awaits Ukrainians until the end of September (Photo: Yuliy Zozulya / Ukrinform)

Author: Svetlana Ugniva

Nataliya Ptukha, forecaster of the Ukrhydrometeorological center, spoke in detail about the weather in the second half of the first month of autumn.

A strong easterly wind, which is bothering residents of a number of regions, will prevail in Ukraine until September 19, says NV Nataliya Ptukha, forecaster of the Ukrhydrometeorological Center. And all because of the confrontation over the country of the low-pressure field from the southwest and the high-pressure field from the northeast.

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We found ourselves, as it were, between these two baric formations,” Ptukh explains the situation outside the window in professional synoptic language. Wind is possible only in the second half of the week, on weekends calm down.”

The direction of the wind these days is east, north-east, 7-12 m/s, and in the south-eastern part of the country there may be gusts of 15-20 m/s in places.

In general, we are luckier than Central Europe, – says the expert, referring to the flood that destroyed Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic. — The cyclone that is currently raging in the region affected only the southwestern part of the country — Odesa, Transcarpathia, and the Carpathian region. But in general, as predicted, the rise of water in mountain rivers did not go beyond the riverbeds. So we have no negative consequences.”

Where there was precipitation, it will stop this week, because the anticyclone from the northeast will begin to strengthen its influence. “Accordingly, the atmospheric pressure in many cities of Ukraine will increase,” promises Ptuha. “This means that precipitation will gradually stop in most of the territory of Ukraine.”

Short-term rains are possible only until Wednesday, September 18, in Zakarpattia, Prykarpattia and in some places in the southern part of the country.

In the second half of this week, a high pressure field – an anticyclone – will dominate, that is, dry weather without precipitation will prevail. The meteorological summer continues, and therefore a warm September will continue to delight Ukrainians, predicts Ptukha.

At the same time, the nights are getting cooler: the air temperature in the dark time of the day will be within +9…+13 degrees, and in the western regions +8…+14

But in the afternoon, the sun will warm the air to “summer” +20…+27 degrees. Ukraine expects +25…+27 – in the southeast, +20…+23 – in the center and north of the country, and it will be slightly cooler only in the western regions – within +17…+23 degrees.

The weather will not deteriorate the next weekend either – September 21-22, according to forecasters of the Ukrhydrometeorological center. “In the afternoon, the sun will give us some warmth, and the weather will be comfortable and stable,” the forecaster commented. As of September 25-26, the weather will change.

Maybe even a cyclone will come from the northwest,” warns Ptukha. Like, then, it might rain.

Then, in the last days of September, we again expect a calm synoptic situation, a high pressure field and no sharp temperature drops,” the expert added.

In the capital and region weather without precipitation in the coming week. Gusty wind — on September 16, there were still gusts in the region of 15-20 m/s, but already from September 17 a little subsides” to 7−12 m/s. “That is, there will be no intense gusts, but such a noticeable wind, east and north-east,” says Ptukha.

The air temperature at night is +15…+17 during the coming days, but it will gradually decrease, and towards the end of the week in the dark time of the day, the region will become noticeably cooler, up to +10…+12 degrees at night on September 20-21. But during the day +24…+26, and from September 18 – within +22…+24.

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