September 19, 2024
The State Property Fund is putting the oldest saltworks up for sale thumbnail

The State Property Fund is putting the oldest saltworks up for sale

The Drohobytsk saltworks, which has been in continuous operation since 1250, will be put up for privatization.”, — write:


The Drohobytsk saltworks, which has been in continuous operation since 1250, will be put up for privatization.

About this informs press service of the FSMU.

The State Property Fund has included “Salt Boiling Drohobytskyi Zavod” in the list of objects to be privatized.

“Drogobytsk saltworks needs development, so it will be privatized,” the message says.

It is reported that due to the Great War, it is now the only producer of table salt in Ukraine.

The single property complex of the enterprise includes 9 architectural monuments of local importance. According to the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Cultural Heritage”, a monument can be privatized only if the future owner concludes a protection contract for the monument with the relevant body for the protection of cultural heritage.

Thus, concluding a security agreement will be a condition for the privatization of a single property complex of the enterprise, the FDM notes.

At this stage, the saltworks are being prepared for privatization. All information and documents regarding the privatization object will be posted on the FDM website and in the object’s virtual data room. Auctions will be held on the electronic platform Prozorro.Sales.

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