September 20, 2024
We are putting pressure on Russia and doing everything to make the war felt where it was brought to Ukraine - address of the President thumbnail

We are putting pressure on Russia and doing everything to make the war felt where it was brought to Ukraine – address of the President

Donetsk region, key directions. We hold our positions, no matter how difficult it is. He also reported on Kurshchyna – on our actions and the enemy’s reaction. As it was foreseen, we are protecting our fundamental interest – bringing peace closer.”, — write:

I wish you good health, dear Ukrainians!

Briefly about this day.

First: had another exchange. 103 defenders of Ukraine were returned from Russian captivity. The boys had been in captivity since the twenty-second year – from the first months of the war. These are soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, border guards, policemen, soldiers of other elements of our Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine. The defenders, in particular, of Kyiv and Donetsk regions are Mariupol, Azovstal, and other parts of the region. Also captured in Kharkiv region, Kherson region. Among them there are boys in serious condition – after injuries. All will be provided with the necessary assistance. Thanks to our exchange team. And thank you for your bravery to all our combat brigades who replenish the exchange fund for our state. And in particular, our operation in the Kursk region gave the necessary impetus.

I just spoke with Chief Commissar Syrsky. Report on the front: Donetsk, key directions. We hold our positions, no matter how difficult it is. He also reported on Kurshchyna – on our actions and the enemy’s reaction. As it was foreseen, we are protecting our fundamental interest – bringing peace closer. We put pressure on Russia and do everything to make the war felt where it was brought to Ukraine.

He held a meeting with a delegation of US congressmen. It is important at all levels to keep partners fully informed about our needs, about our positions. It is critically important that everyone, and especially countries like the United States, really implement our agreements promptly. It should be felt at the front. Every delay with military packages has its own negative consequence at the front. Every truly timely, fast delivery has a positive impact. I briefed the congressmen on the current situation and on the prospects.

We are also preparing for meetings in the United States.

And a few more things. He signed a decree on awarding our tank soldiers with state awards. Today is their professional day. And I thank every soldier, as well as everyone without whom the tank forces would not be able to function, including the repairmen, as well as everyone who trains our tankmen and who fights diplomatically for Ukraine to receive combat vehicles.

Today, it is important to say a few words for those of our people, without whom it is impossible to imagine a real long-term international advocacy of Ukrainian interests. Today in Ukraine is Cinema Day – every year on the second Saturday of September. Of course, in times of war, cinema works primarily as a means of conveying the truth about what is happening, what people are going through. I want to thank all those who, through the language of cinema, give the world true knowledge about this time and the fact that Ukraine, Ukrainians will definitely defeat the occupier. It cannot be otherwise. Only our victory, only the independence of Ukraine, only real protection of life, life and international law. And we must remember that one of our key tasks both now and in the future is to tell the world about Ukraine, to form friendship for Ukraine with the maximum number of countries, peoples, and communities. This will definitely be done by Ukrainian cinema, Ukrainian culture, our people, of which we can only be proud. I thank everyone who is with Ukraine!

Glory to our people!

Glory to Ukraine!

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