September 19, 2024
The invaders introduce the cult of pseudo-heroes in the schools of Zaporizhzhia TOT thumbnail

The invaders introduce the cult of pseudo-heroes in the schools of Zaporizhzhia TOT

The invaders introduce the cult of pseudo-heroes in the schools of Zaporizhzhia TOT In the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia, they set up “hero desks” to propagate Soviet myths among students. The project is part of the Kremlin program aimed at forming the image of Soviet and Russian heroes among young people.”, — write on:

The occupiers introduce the cult of pseudo-heroes in schools in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, transmits UNN.


In the occupied territories of Zaporozhye, enemy soldiers are actively promoting propaganda among schoolchildren. The occupiers set up special “hero desks”, which are used to popularize Soviet myths and glorify Russian pseudo-heroes.

A “hero’s desk” was opened in the village of Shelyuga at the Zaporizhzhia Technical University in honor of Kosmodemyanskaya, who became a symbol of self-sacrifice and patriotism since Soviet times. This desk is marked with Russian symbols and given to the “most successful” students who repeat the propagandist version of the curriculum.

This project is part of the Kremlin propaganda launched by Yuriy Shvitkin in 2018, and aims to create an image of Soviet and Russian heroes in young people, equating the myths of the “Great Patriotic War” with modern aggression.

Russian “Cossacks” harass schoolchildren at TOT Zaporizhzhia – National Resistance CenterOctober 12, 2023, 00:56 • 837690 views

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