September 27, 2024
Ukraine is preparing to nationalize the hotel of Yanukovych's ex-guardian in Bukovel thumbnail

Ukraine is preparing to nationalize the hotel of Yanukovych’s ex-guardian in Bukovel

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, based on the materials of the Prosecutor General’s Office, appealed to the High Anti-Corruption Court with a claim to recover the seized assets of the former head of the security service Viktor Yanukovych from state income. In particular, we are talking about a hotel in Bukovel. This was reported in the Prosecutor General’s Office. The total amount of seized assets is more than UAH 100 million. It is about money, a hotel complex in Bukovel, land”, — write on:

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, based on the materials of the Prosecutor General’s Office, appealed to the High Anti-Corruption Court with a claim to recover the seized assets of the former head of the security service Viktor Yanukovych from state income. In particular, we are talking about a hotel in Bukovel.

This was reported in the Prosecutor General’s Office.

The total amount of seized assets is over UAH 100 million. It is about money, a hotel complex in Bukovel, land plots, corporate rights, apartments and parking spaces in Kyiv, and vehicles, including car Mercedes-Benz GL 550

The former head of the security service of the former president was charged with aiding the aggressor state and illegal handling of weapons.

According to the investigation, he illegally left the territory controlled by Ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion. While in the enemy-occupied territories of Donetsk and Crimea, he helped his son, an employee of the FSB of the Russian Federation, in the search for patriotic Ukrainians in the occupied territories.

In addition, the accused headed the security service of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region of the Russian Federation. He was declared wanted in Ukraine.

On the basis of the collected evidence, a lawsuit was sent to the court to apply sanctions to the former security guard of the fugitive president. It is about collection of assets belonging to the state.

Earlier in Ukraine, the property of a former People’s Deputy, who is suspected of financing occupation groups of the Russian Federation, was seized. According to the mass media, we are talking about Mykola Yankovskyi.

We will remind you that President Volodymyr Zelenskyi initiated a draft law that would allow to deprive those who betrayed Ukraine of previously awarded honorary titles and state awards.

And People’s Deputy of the first convocation of the Verkhovna Rada Serhiy Tsekov, who was the head of the “Russian Community of Kryma” and the first vice-speaker of the Crimean parliament, became the first member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Russian temporary occupation authority of Crimea, and since 2008 has the title of honored employee of the local self-government of the ARC.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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