September 29, 2024
Trump's incessant spewing of abominations against Ukraine is suicide — a Republican thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Trump’s incessant spewing of abominations against Ukraine is suicide — a Republican

Trump’s incessant spewing of abominations against Ukraine is suicide – Republican September 29, 11:34 Share: Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s meeting with Donald Trump in New York, September 27, 2024 (Photo: REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton) American politician, head of the Republican Party in 45 th District of the New York State Assembly, Boris Pincus, in an interview with Radio NV, sharply commented on the recent statements of US presidential candidate Donald Trump to Ukraine. “Today we need to calm down a little.”, — write on:

Trump’s incessant spewing of abominations against Ukraine is suicide — a Republican

September 29, 11:34

Meeting of Volodymyr Zelenskyi with Donald Trump in New York, September 27, 2024 (Photo: REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton)

American politician, leader of the Republican Party in the 45th district of the New York State Assembly, Boris Pincus, in an interview with Radio NV, sharply commented on the recent statements of the US presidential candidate Donald Trump to Ukraine.

You need to calm down a little today. The Republicans will not let this Trump swing the baton. I will tell you, these incessant statements of his, spewing abominations against Ukraine, they are suicide,” Pincus said on Radio NV.

Video of the day

The Republican also emphasized that if America will hand over the part of Ukraine that Trump is talking about,” this will not solve the world’s problems, but on the contrary, “will be the beginning of more powerful problems that will destroy America.”

Trump’s latest statements about Ukraine and Zelenskyi

On September 24, US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said during a rally in Pennsylvania that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy supports the Democrats in the 2024 United States elections.

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Zelenskiy at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant in Pennsylvania on September 22, 2024 (Photo: Zelenskiy / Official / Telegram) A number of Republicans believe that Zelenskyy “made a strategic mistake” by visiting a plant in Pennsylvania – Politico

On September 26, Trump accused Zelensky of refusing to conclude a peace treaty with Russia. According to the Financial Times, Trump may have been angered by the president of Ukraine’s statements in which he questioned the Republican’s ability to quickly conclude a deal with Russia.

“The President of Ukraine is in our country. He’s making dirty little jabs at your favorite president — me,” he said.

“Ukraine is no more. This is no longer Ukraine. You can never replace these cities and towns, and you can never replace the people who died, so many people who died. Any agreement, even the worst, would be better than what we have now,” the politician added.

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Donald Trump (Photo: REUTERS/Brian Snyder) “New wave of attacks on Zelensky”. What is the meaning of the sharpest criticism of Trump and the Republicans against the president of Ukraine — CNN

Also on this day, during a press conference in New York, Trump said that he believes that he will succeed “quickly enough” to agree with Zelensky and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on ending the war in Ukraine. Trump refused to specify the details of the alleged negotiations to end the war, but assured that his strategy is not to surrender, but to “save lives.”

On September 26, Tram also published a letter in which Zelenskyy asked him for a meeting, without clarifying whether he had coordinated its publication with the Ukrainian side.

On September 27, before the meeting with Zelensky, Trump did not give a direct answer to the question about the possible transfer of temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories to Russia, but said that “we need peace” and he wants stop this horror.”

On the same day, Trump met with Zelensky in New York.

During the meeting, Donald Trump said that he and Zelensky had very good relations”, and then added that he has “very good relations with Putin”.

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Anthony Blinken (Photo: Frank Franklin II/Pool via REUTERS) “Remember what Putin tried to do.” Blinken criticized Trump’s statements about the war in Ukraine

If we win, we will resolve this issue very quickly,” Trump said, referring to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

In response to such a statement, Zelensky added that he hopes that his relationship with Trump will be better than between Putin and Trump.”

The President of Ukraine also stated that he and Trump have a common vision that the war in Ukraine must be stopped” and emphasized the importance of meetings with both candidates for the US presidency.

Editor: Anastasia Odintsova

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