September 27, 2024
They disguised themselves as law enforcement officers, kidnapped a foreigner and demanded $100,000: a gang was detained in Kyiv thumbnail

They disguised themselves as law enforcement officers, kidnapped a foreigner and demanded $100,000: a gang was detained in Kyiv

Law enforcement officers exposed and detained four bandits who kidnapped a citizen of Turechchna and tortured them, demanding 100 thousand dollars. Source: National Police, Chief Prosecutor’s Office, SBU Verbatim NPU: “During a special operation, the police released a 28-year-old hostage, when the attackers, not receiving the desired amount, took him in the trunk of a car to the forest under the threat of killing him.”, — write:

Law enforcement officers exposed and detained four bandits who kidnapped a citizen of Turechchna and tortured them, demanding 100 thousand dollars.

Source: National Police, Chief Prosecutor’s Office, SBU

Literally NPU: “During a special operation, the police released a 28-year-old hostage, when the attackers, not receiving the desired amount, took him in the trunk of a car to the forest under the threat of death. The members of the criminal group, including a citizen of the Russian Federation, face up to fifteen years in prison.”


Details: Four previously convicted local residents aged 27 to 51 were involved in the crime. The organizer turned out to be a 38-year-old Russian citizen who lived in the Kyiv region and had previously served a prison term in a Ukrainian prison, according to the SBU. In 2017, the court sentenced him to 5 years in prison for participating in the Vostok terrorist group, which fought against the ATO forces.

The leader of the gang was familiar with the foreigner and knew that the victim had a significant amount of money, so he decided to take possession of it. The accomplices disguised themselves in the uniform of one of the law enforcement units and attacked the man near his house.

Pushing the man into a minibus, they took him to a garage, where they demanded $100,000 from him with beatings and death threats. As a result of prolonged torture, the attackers got hold of part of the cash and funds from the crypto-wallet.

According to the results of the special operation, the investigators of the Dnipro police department together with the SBU employees detained the suspects at the time when they were taking the hostage in the trunk of their car to the forest.

During warrant searches, they seized weapons, drugs and the Volkswagen van they used to commit the crime.

Under the procedural guidance of the Dnipro District Prosecutor’s Office of the city of Kyiv, four men were notified of suspicion of kidnapping a Turkish citizen, extorting money from him, robbery and torture.

Currently, the suspects have been remanded in custody without bail. A number of examinations have been appointed, the execution of which is ongoing.

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