September 29, 2024
The Origins of Two Offensive Words, The Truth About Ozempic, and Unscientific Love Theories - The Best Podcasts of the Week thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

The Origins of Two Offensive Words, The Truth About Ozempic, and Unscientific Love Theories – The Best Podcasts of the Week

Where the two offensive H and P words come from, why there’s so much talk about Ozempic, and what astrological compatibility is – a selection of the best podcasts of the week from NV. Vikings: how the fiercest warriors and traders of the north were exported We are talking about the warriors who at the end of the first millennium conquered England, settled the lands of France, Sicily and North Africa, and also traded with the Abbasids – the Vikings. What was their life like”, — write on:

Where the two offensive H and P words come from, why there’s so much talk about Ozempic, and what astrological compatibility is – a selection of the best podcasts of the week from NV.

Vikings: how the fiercest warriors and traders of the north were exported

We are talking about the warriors who at the end of the first millennium captured England, settled the lands of France, Sicily and North Africa, and also traded with the Abbasids, the Vikings. What was their life like in the middle of the dark ages and what made them go on such a crazy road of conquest? The answer is in this issue.

Video of the day

How and why it is important to speak without slurs

This issue will not be complete without baking, because the presenter and author Tanya Kasyan tells where the roots of two offensive words per letter come from N” and to the letter P”. The first is used for dark-skinned people, the second for gays, and today also for Russians. Such words, by the way, are called slurs. It will be difficult to convince people not to use the word they use today to refer to our enemy. But first, listen to the history of the origin of this slur, and then decide for yourself.

The whole truth about braces, teeth whitening and veneers

About oral health, dentists, retainers, braces, aligners, expanders, teeth whitening, how genetics affects teeth, what veneers are and how to monitor dental health. The guest of the episode is Iryna Pilkh, a dentist, orthodontist with more than 15 years of experience.

How Ozempic affects the face and mental health

Why there is so much talk about Ozempic, what is Ozempic face and how these drugs affect mental health – all this in the new Morning Drip.

About NON-scientific theories of love, attachment types, horoscopes, female energy and love languages

In this episode of the So and So podcast, Jack and Veronica discuss various theories surrounding romantic love. Now about the basis of attachment styles and love languages (and do they have at all?), what is astrological compatibility and what to do if you have an imbalance of male and female energy.

Editor: Karina Pasichnyk

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