September 29, 2024
The company was fined three million for air pollution without a permit thumbnail

The company was fined three million for air pollution without a permit

The Economic Court of the Cherkasy region recovered from the private enterprise “Ukrpolitex” UAH 2.97 million in damages caused to the state as a result of the emission of pollutants into the air.”, — write:

The Economic Court of the Cherkasy region recovered from the private enterprise “Ukrpolitex” UAH 2.97 million in damages caused to the state as a result of the emission of pollutants into the air.

About this testifies court decision on September 13.

In January 2022, following a complaint by a citizen whose name is hidden in the Court Register, the ecoinspection conducted an unscheduled inspection of compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation in the field of atmospheric air protection of PE “Ukrpolitex” (Balakleya village, Cherkasy region).

The inspectors established the fact of air pollution without a permit and obliged the private enterprise to eliminate the violation.

Already in May 2023, the State Ecoinspection of the Central District appealed to “Ukrpolitex” with a claim for voluntary payment and compensation for damages caused to the state as a result of excessive (unauthorized) emissions of pollutants in the amount of UAH 3.08 million.

The firm replied that, given its financial capabilities, it would pay the amount in installments. At the same time, the prosecutor’s office appealed to the court with a claim for UAH 3.08 million.

During the trial, it became clear that the director of Ukrpolitex was previously brought to administrative responsibility, which allowed emissions of pollutants from woodworking equipment, drying chambers, solid fuel boilers and other production processes without permission. The manager of Ukrpolitex was fined 163 hryvnias.

The court established an ongoing offense, because the inspection was carried out in January 2022, and the company received the permit only in September 2022.

At the same time, since from July 2023 to January 2024, the private enterprise reimbursed UAH 68,000 in parts, the court levied UAH 2.97 million in damages from Ukrpolitex PE in favor of the Balakleiv village council of the Cherkasy region due to the emission of pollutants into the air in the period from July 14. 2021 to 15.09.2022.

Founders of PE “Ukrpolitex”, the main type of activity of which is indicated sawmill and planing productionthere is Anna Skvarchynska and director Alla Savranenko.

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