September 27, 2024
OP explained what issues Zelensky focused on during the meeting with Biden thumbnail

OP explained what issues Zelensky focused on during the meeting with Biden

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with his American colleague Joe Biden on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. The parties agreed to discuss the Ukrainian victory plan in Washington on September 26. This is reported by the official online representation of the President of Ukraine. The Office of the President of Ukraine noted that during the meeting, Zelensky thanked Biden and the United States for the support provided to the country, which “saves”, — write on:

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting with his American colleague Joe Biden on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. The parties agreed to discuss the Ukrainian victory plan in Washington on September 26.

This is reported by the official online representation of the President of Ukraine.

The Office of the President of Ukraine noted that during the meeting, Zelensky thanked Biden and the United States for the support provided to the country, which “saves the lives of Ukrainians and helps the country maintain its independence.”

“The head of the Ukrainian state informed the US president about the situation in Ukraine, in particular at the front. Volodymyr Zelenskyi focused on the issue of the Victory Plan. The leaders agreed to discuss it during the talks in Washington on September 26,” the OP said in a statement.

In addition, Zelenskyi and Biden took part in a special “G7+” meeting dedicated to the issue of reconstruction of Ukraine. Also, more than 30 countries and the European Union signed a declaration on the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

During his speech at the event, Zelensky noted that after the devastating Second World War, the Allies implemented the Marshall Plan, which strengthened the peace and helped it “become truly lasting.”

“Today we are laying the foundation for a similar reconstruction architecture – one that will contribute to peace for Ukraine and all of Europe and general well-being,” said the President of Ukraine.

A video of the speech of Biden and Zelensky at the meeting in the format of “Group of Seven + Ukraine” regarding the reconstruction of Ukraine was also made public.

Republican leaders in the US Congress want President Joe Biden to make public the White House’s strategy report on the war in Ukraine.

It will be recalled that in April, the US Congress approved a bill on the financing of military aid to Ukraine in the amount of 60 billion dollars. It contained a clause that the Biden Administration should present its strategy in the war in Ukraine.

It was previously reported that the United States will announce the allocation of a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth $375 million. It should take place on September 25.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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