September 29, 2024
In the west of Ukraine, the air temperature will drop to +4° thumbnail

In the west of Ukraine, the air temperature will drop to +4°

In Ukraine, the weather will be mostly dry on Sunday, significant rains are expected only in the western regions, the temperature will be 11-16° at night, 19-24° during the day. In the afternoon, wind gusts of 15-20 m/s occurred in the western and Zhytomyr regions, so the yellow level of danger was announced. Heavy rain in the Carpathians. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center. “It is cloudy in the western and Zhytomyr regions, significant (in Volyn, Khmelnytskyi and Zhytomyr”, — write on:

In Ukraine, the weather will be mostly dry on Sunday, significant rains are expected only in the western regions, the temperature will be 11-16° at night, 19-24° during the day. In the afternoon, wind gusts of 15-20 m/s occurred in the western and Zhytomyr regions, so the yellow level of danger was announced. Heavy rain in the Carpathians.

This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

“In the western and Zhytomyr regions it is cloudy, heavy (in the Volyn, Khmelnytskyi and Zhytomyr regions moderate, in some places heavy) rains, temperature drop during the day to 9-14°; it rains heavily in the Carpathians, the temperature during the day is 4-9°C. The wind is northerly, 7-12 m/s, gusts of 15-20 m/s in the afternoon,” the report says.

In the rest of the country, variable cloudiness, without precipitation, only in the Kyiv and Vinnytsia regions during the day, short-term rain in places; the temperature at night is 11-16°, during the day 19-24°, in the southern part up to 27°. The wind is south-easterly with transition in the Kyiv, Chernihiv and Vinnytsia regions to the north, 7-12 m/s, in the afternoon in the northern and eastern regions gusts of 15-20 m/s in places.

It will be recalled that on September 23, it was reported that Ukraine has not yet entered meteorological autumn. At the moment, the meteorological summer is still going on.

In August, Ukraine found itself between two cyclonic systems, and the weather in it will be determined by the zone of influence of the anticyclone.

We will also remind you that this year April in Kyiv became the third warmest in the rating of observations for 144 years. The average monthly air temperature of the capital was +12.8 °C, which is 2.8 °C higher than the climatic norm.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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