September 29, 2024
In the Lviv region, the director of a rehabilitation center was suspected of abusing children thumbnail

In the Lviv region, the director of a rehabilitation center was suspected of abusing children

Physical, psychological and sexual violence against children was probably committed in the rehabilitation center in the Lviv region. The director of the center is suspected. Human rights ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets wrote about this in Telegram. “I received information about possible physical, psychological and sexual violence against children by the director of an educational and rehabilitation institution in the Lviv Region. As a matter of urgency, I initiated a monitoring visit”, — write on:

Physical, psychological and sexual violence against children was probably committed in the rehabilitation center in the Lviv region. The director of the center is suspected.

Human rights ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets wrote about this in Telegram.

“I received information about possible physical, psychological and sexual violence against children by the director of an educational and rehabilitation institution in the Lviv Region. As a matter of urgency, I initiated a monitoring visit, which was attended by representatives of the National Social Service of Ukraine and partners – psychologists from the Children’s Voices Charitable Foundation, SOS Children’s Villages, and the Office of Children and Youth “DiyMO”. The facility we visited accommodates the most vulnerable categories of children: orphans, children deprived of parental care, children in difficult life circumstances, and children with special educational needs. We have recorded children’s testimonies that the director of the institution performed sexual acts against the female students of the institution, publicly humiliated him, and also threatened to beat him and commit him to a psychiatric hospital for “bad behavior” or violation of the daily routine, Lubinets informed.

The Ombudsman noted that the children complained that they were systematically told: “No one needs you”, “Your parents are drunkards”, “You are sick”, “Nothing good will come of you”.

“The attitude of the employees, led by the director, towards the children as “sick”, disabled – “they have a diagnosis, they are inadequate”, which made their further development and rehabilitation impossible,” Lubinets said.

We will remind that Japan has joined the international coalition for the return of Ukrainian children deported by Russia.

As reported, the terrorist regime of the Russian Federation legalized the deportation of residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The occupiers in the temporarily occupied territories invent diagnoses for children in order to deport them to the Russian Federation.

More than half of the monitored Russian media justify the deportation of Ukrainian children in their broadcasts and news reports.

⚡️⚡️⚡️All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and fast news.

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