September 29, 2024
Energoatom confirmed the arrest of a top official for bribery thumbnail

Energoatom confirmed the arrest of a top official for bribery

JSC NAEK “Energoatom” officially announced the arrest of its employees for bribery. The relevant statement was posted on the company’s Telegram channel. “Thanks to the coordinated work of law enforcement officers and the active participation of Energoatom representatives, one of the Company’s employees was detained while receiving an illegal benefit. The detainee contributed to the resolution of the issue in another company thanks to his connections and acted as an intermediary between the contractor and”, — write on:

JSC NAEK “Energoatom” officially announced the arrest of its employees for bribery.

The relevant statement was posted on the company’s Telegram channel.

“Thanks to the coordinated work of law enforcement officers and the active participation of Energoatom representatives, one of the Company’s employees was detained while receiving an illegal benefit. The detainee helped solve the issue at another company thanks to his connections and acted as an intermediary between the contractor and the other company. Investigations are currently ongoing. “Energoatom will continue to assist investigators in conducting the fastest and most impartial investigation,” the statement said.

We will remind that on the morning of September 28, information appeared about the detention of the top manager of JSC NAEK “Energoatom”. He was detained near the Energoatom office on Gogolivska for a bribe of 100,000 hryvnias, which he allegedly demanded from fuel suppliers.

Yuriy Nikolov, co-founder of the investigative media project “Our Money”, added that it is about Oleksandr Skopych, the director of control and audit work of “Energoatom”.

Ukraine extradited one of the suspects in the seizure of the buildings of the state-owned enterprise “National Cinematheque of Ukraine” in Kyiv worth almost 42 million UAH.

We previously wrote that NABU detectives found $115,000 in coffee packaging from Kyiv Court of Appeals judge Ihor Palenyk. He is suspected of receiving a bribe in the case of the ex-head of Motor Sichi Vyacheslav Boguslaev.

We will also remind you that in Kyiv, 13 members of the criminal organization who appropriated the immovable property of Kyiv residents were exposed. Among the victims are two soldiers, elderly people and minors who are heirs of deceased debtors.

⚡️⚡️⚡️All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and fast news.

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