September 27, 2024
Debts of Ukrainians for microloans increased by one and a half times: loan amounts increased thumbnail

Debts of Ukrainians for microloans increased by one and a half times: loan amounts increased

Ukrainians owed UAH 14.53 billion to microfinance organizations this year. Since the beginning of the year, the amount of debt has increased by 1.5 times. ”, — write:

Ukrainians owed UAH 14.53 billion to microfinance organizations this year. Since the beginning of the year, the amount of debt has increased by 1.5 times.

About this testify data from Opendatabot.

According to the report, this year Ukrainians took out 26.7 billion UAH in microloans – that’s 3.9 million credit agreements.

The number of contracts almost did not change, but the amount of loans increased significantly: by 1.4 times compared to last year, up to UAH 6,776.

Thus, in the first quarter, Ukrainians borrowed from MFIs, on average, UAH 6,875, however, in the second quarter, the loan amount decreased.

62% of loans are issued for a period of 3 months to a year. Short-term loans up to a month account for only 17% of loans. In 8%, microloans are taken for 3+ years.

“96% of microloans are taken online this year,” the report says.

We will remind:

In Ukraine, there were more than 34,000 salary debts registered as of the beginning of August 2024. This year, the debts of enterprises for salaries are already 7.1% larger than for the whole of last year.

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