September 27, 2024
Britain will hand over six AS90 installations to Ukraine in the coming weeks - the Ministry of Defense thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Britain will hand over six AS90 installations to Ukraine in the coming weeks – the Ministry of Defense

Great Britain will transfer six AS90 artillery units to Ukraine in the coming weeks.

The UK is stepping up the delivery of vital military support, with the government set to exceed its pledge to deliver 12 AS90 artillery guns, the Ministry of Defense says.

“A total of 16 units are planned to be delivered, 10 of which have already been delivered, and six more will be delivered in the coming weeks,” the statement said.

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Great Britain will transfer six AS90 artillery units to Ukraine in the coming weeks.

The UK is stepping up the delivery of vital military support, with the government set to exceed its pledge to deliver 12 AS90 artillery guns, the Ministry of Defense says.

“A total of 16 units are planned to be delivered, 10 of which have already been delivered, and six more will be delivered in the coming weeks,” the statement said.

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