September 29, 2024
Almost 7,000 km of power lines need demining in the Kharkiv region thumbnail

Almost 7,000 km of power lines need demining in the Kharkiv region

To restore electricity supply in Kharkiv Oblast, 6,987 km of mined power lines need to be demined.”, — write:

To restore electricity supply in Kharkiv Oblast, 6,987 km of mined power lines need to be demined.

This was reported by the press service of “Kharkivoblenergo”.

“Currently, it is necessary to carry out demining measures for about 6,987 km of mined PL (overhead lines) in the region by 16 OTGs,” the message says.

Today, about 100 settlements with a total number of 43,000 consumers remain without electricity in Kharkiv region – mostly in border and front-line areas. The main problem is that demining cannot be carried out there, because these locations are subject to constant fire from the aggressor.

At the same time, since the de-occupation of certain districts of Kharkiv Oblast, about 2,397 km of air lines have been demined.

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