September 29, 2024
Trump assures that he is "for a just peace" for Ukraine thumbnail

Trump assures that he is “for a just peace” for Ukraine

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has said that he is in favor of a “fair” peace for Ukraine, but refrained from specifying what kind of agreement to end the war between Russia and Ukraine he would consider to be fair.”, — write:

Donald Trump. Photo by Getty Images

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has said that he is in favor of a “fair” peace for Ukraine, but refrained from specifying what kind of agreement to end the war between Russia and Ukraine he would consider to be fair.

Source: CNN, “European Truth”, Trump in communication with the media after meeting with Zelensky in New York

Details: When asked how Trump sees the “fair” agreement to end the Russian-Ukrainian war, he answered: “It’s still too early to talk about it.”


“I have my ideas, and the president (Zelensky – Ed.) certainly has his own ideas. But he (peace – Ed.) must be fair,” said Donald Trump.

Zelensky, who was standing next to him, inserted his remark that this war should never have started at all.

“Putin killed so many people. And, of course, we must do everything to put pressure on him to end the war. He is on our territory – this is the most important thing to understand – he is on our territory,” the President of Ukraine emphasized.

Before the talks, Trump praised Zelensky’s handling of an attempt by Democrats in Congress to impeach him and said they had a “great relationship.” However, he immediately said the same thing about his relationship with the ruler of Russia and again expressed confidence that he could quickly stop the war.

It will be recalled that the meeting between Zelenskyi and Trump in New York at Trump Tower took place a day after a sharp escalation, when the Trumpists accused the Ukrainian president of “meddling in the election” and helping Biden due to criticism of Trump’s “peace plan”, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, refused meeting with him. At first after that, it was believed that the meeting between Trump and Zelensky would not take place, but at the last moment, Trump agreed to it.

Read also: Zelensky in American hell: why the visit to the USA brought so many problems and how to solve them

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