September 27, 2024
The loss of Ugledar is a matter of days or weeks - Deep State co-founder thumbnail

The loss of Ugledar is a matter of days or weeks – Deep State co-founder

Military journalist Yuriy Butusov says that the decision to withdraw from Vugledar can be made directly by commanders when it becomes clear that it is no longer possible to conduct a defense”, — write:

The loss of the city of Vugledar, where the Ukrainian military held off the Russian offensive for more than two years, is a matter of a few days, maybe weeks, Deep State co-founder, analyst Ruslan Mykula said on Radio Svoboda (Svoboda.Morning project) on September 26.

According to him, in order to hold the city, it is necessary to “cut the claws” created by the Russian army, pressing on the city from the flanks. Given the resources, reserves and means on the entire front, it will be unrealistic to do so, the analyst believes.

“Given the general situation we have on the entire front, the resources, reserves and means we have, it will be practically impossible to hold Ugledar. That is, its loss is a matter of several days to, perhaps, several weeks. This is due to the fact that the enemy is pressing from the flanks. Accordingly, risking personnel is a very bad idea. Although, of course, it may happen that they do not give a timely command to leave. In order to hold Ugledar, you need to cut off these claws that the enemy launches from the flanks. And we don’t have the strength to cut off these claws,” said Ruslan Mykula.

The co-founder of Deep State calls the threat of encirclement of Ukrainian forces in Ugledar high, but there is still no command to withdraw from the city: “Fighters are trying to hold, even flying combat orders to restore positions, which is absolutely impossible under the current conditions. Those who send them to boys, I don’t know what he is thinking.”

Military journalist Yuriy Butusov says that the decision to withdraw from Vugledar can be made directly by commanders when it becomes clear that it is no longer possible to conduct a defense.

At the same time, according to Butusov, there will be no planned withdrawal, since the military leadership did not plan combat operations and did not issue orders to withdraw: “In order to make planned withdrawals, it is necessary to plan combat operations in general. The command does not waste time planning combat operations. Therefore, this may be a retreat built on the initiative of the commanders… Everyone knew and saw that the enemy was very slowly and gradually approaching Vugledar. Of course, in this case, it was necessary to improve the defense. Not by the number of people listed in the numerical list, but by improving management, the use of troops, defense measures, defense structures, the use of drones, means of radio-electronic warfare, that is, technical solutions… We are fighting the old-fashioned way on the Russian “Avos”. That’s when someone there can’t stand it, when some commander, whom you can later punish and say that it’s all him, when he breaks through, then we will push a company there with machine guns and grenade launchers, then they will stop this breakthrough. These management methods are outdated and no longer work.”

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not report on the semi-surrounding of the 72nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Vugledar. In the morning summary of September 26, the military command reported on eight assaults on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Vugledar and Vodyanyi. The day before, in the General Staff report, the situation near Vugledar was called “controlled by the Defense Forces.” Commander of the unmanned systems battalion of the 72nd OMBr Andriy Nazarenko said on September 24 that the brigade is still holding positions in Vugledar.

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