September 29, 2024
Blinken on China's statements regarding peace in Ukraine: They differ with actions thumbnail

Blinken on China’s statements regarding peace in Ukraine: They differ with actions

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Friday, during talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, emphasized the serious concern of the US about China’s support for Russia’s defense industrial base and said that Beijing’s talk of peace in Ukraine “is at odds with reality.””, — write:

Blinken and Wang Yi, photo: Chinese Foreign Ministry

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Friday, during talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, emphasized the serious concern of the US about China’s support for Russia’s defense industrial base and said that Beijing’s talk of peace in Ukraine “is at odds with reality.”

Source: Reuters

Details: In a meeting with Wang Yi on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, Blinken said he also raised the issue of China’s “dangerous and destabilizing actions” in the South China Sea and discussed improving communications between the US and Chinese militaries.


At the press conference, Blinken said that he and Wang Yi also discussed ways to stop the flow of drugs to the US and the risks associated with artificial intelligence.

Blinken said that about 70 percent of the machine tools Russia imports and 90 percent of the microelectronics come from China and Hong Kong, and that this materially helps Moscow produce the missiles, armor and ammunition it needs to continue the war.

Direct speech Blinken: “So when Beijing says that, on the one hand, it wants peace, wants to see an end to the conflict, and on the other hand, allows its companies to carry out actions that actually help Putin continue aggression, something is not right.”

Details: Blinken also added that “pressure on Iran, North Korea and China … to stop providing weapons, artillery, equipment and other support” to Russia is crucial to achieving lasting peace in Ukraine.

We will remind: China continues to maintain that to end the war in Ukraine (which it calls a “crisis”), an immediate cease-fire, negotiations, and refraining from sanctions and economic pressure are needed.


  • At the end of May 2024, the governments of Brazil and China proposed a joint six-point plan:
  • The first states that Ukraine and Russia must “observe the three principles of de-escalation of the situation, namely: not to expand the battlefield, not to allow the escalation of hostilities and not to provoke any of the parties.”
  • On September 21, 2023, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, met with the leader of Brazil, Lula da Silva, and discussed efforts to restore peace.
  • Brazil is one of the countries that did not sign the final communiqué of the Global Peace Summit held on June 15-16 in Switzerland.
  • Ambassador of Ukraine to Brazil Andriy Melnyk told “Ukrainian Pravda” in an interview that Brazil did not warn Ukraine about its intention to present a peace plan with China to end Russia’s war against Ukraine.

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