September 29, 2024
Switzerland changed its border with Italy due to melting glaciers thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Switzerland changed its border with Italy due to melting glaciers

The Swiss government has adapted its national border with Italy due to melting glaciers as a result of climate change.”, — write:

The Swiss government has adapted its national border with Italy due to melting glaciers as a result of climate change.

As reported by Ukrinform, this was reported by Swissinfo.

It is noted that a large part of the Swiss-Italian border is defined by glaciers and snow fields. As the glaciers melt, these natural elements change and redefine the national borders of countries. Therefore, the border has been slightly changed in the area of ​​Monte Rosa, Caban Glacier and Gobba di Rollin.

In May 2023, a joint Italian-Swiss commission agreed on a project that respects the interests of both parties.

Also on Friday, the Swiss government changed the border line with France.

In the canton of Geneva, the laying of tracks for a new cross-border tram line has resulted in minor changes to the border between the communes of Perly-Certu and Bardonnex.

The federal government added that Switzerland and France would exchange equivalent parts of the territory.

Two other modifications to the Franco-Swiss border are related to the works on the Hermans River and the embankment works on the Foron River.

Read also: Greenland is losing 30 million tons of ice every hour Geneva shares a 103-kilometer border with France, 50 kilometers of which are in the middle of waterways.

Since these are minor changes, writes Swissinfo, the government is empowered to enter into these agreements on its own. Official Rome and Paris have yet to give their “green light” to changing the border with Switzerland.

As reported by Ukrinform, Switzerland’s glaciers have lost 10% of their ice volume over the past two years due to high summer temperatures and little snow in winter.

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