September 29, 2024
Possible facts of violence or violations of other rights will be checked in all educational institutions - Zholnovich thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Possible facts of violence or violations of other rights will be checked in all educational institutions – Zholnovich

Possible facts of violence or violations of other rights will be checked in all educational institutions – Zholnovich National Social Service will check all institutions where children live for facts of violence. Minister Zholnovich calls for the development of inclusive education closer to the homes of children with special needs.”, — write on:

The National Social Service of Ukraine will conduct checks in all institutions where children live for possible facts of violence or violation of other rights. Minister of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovich announced this on Facebook, writes UNN.


The minister reacted to the facts of possible violence against children in the educational rehabilitation center in Lviv region.

The report on possible facts of violence that took place in one of the special schools in the Lviv region is shocking. And obviously, it is necessary to establish all the circumstances and bring to justice all the guilty parties,

Zholnovich emphasized that all children should study and grow in a safe space.

In view of this, she instructed the National Social Service to conduct inspections in all institutions where children live around the clock, with the aim of identifying possible facts of violence against them or violation of other rights.

For this purpose, the service has developed a special questionnaire in order to detect such violations in an ecological way, without injuring the feelings of children,

Zholnovich also noted that it is better for all children in Ukraine, even if they have special educational needs, to be able to study closer to their homes and return home every evening.

Unfortunately, such children are now forced to be sent to special schools, of which there are only a few in the region. It is clear that it is impossible to get to them every day, so what is needed are not separate institutions, but classes in general schools. Then parents will be able to choose an educational institution near their home,

The government official also called for an increase in the number of family forms of education in communities and the development of inclusive and special classes in general schools, so that it is not necessary to apply for educational services far from home and that it is not provided with the need to live at school all the time.

We will remind

Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets reported on physical, psychological and sexual violence against children by the director of the rehabilitation center in Lviv region. Criminal proceedings have been opened, a high-level meeting has been initiated.

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