September 27, 2024
Navy: Russia keeps two Kalibr carriers in the Black Sea thumbnail
Ukraine News Today

Navy: Russia keeps two Kalibr carriers in the Black Sea

The total volley is up to eight missiles”, — write:

As of the morning of September 27, there are three Russian ships in the Black Sea, two of which are carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total salvo of up to eight missiles, the Naval Forces of Ukraine reported.

According to the report, there are no Russian ships in the Sea of ​​Azov, and one Russian ship is on duty in the Mediterranean, which is the carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles (total salvo – up to 16 missiles).

In April, the Ukrainian Navy said that since the start of the full-scale war, the Russian Black Sea Fleet had lost about a third of its ships due to damage to Russian vessels during Ukrainian strikes.

In June, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Andriy Yusov, said that Russia is hiding large ships and Kalibr carriers, but “the hunt should not stop.”

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