September 27, 2024
Today we are laying the foundation for the architecture of recovery - the President's speech at the meeting in the format of the Group of Seven + Ukraine thumbnail

Today we are laying the foundation for the architecture of recovery – the President’s speech at the meeting in the format of the Group of Seven + Ukraine

I am grateful to all of you for your unity in the defense of life. We truly appreciate the G7 Declaration on Security Guarantees and the 26 bilateral security agreements that strengthen us all. And now more than 30 countries and the European Union have agreed on a declaration, a really strong declaration, aimed at restoring Ukraine after military operations.”, — write:

Thank you very much!

Dear President Biden!

Dear leaders, our dear friends!

I am grateful to all of you for your unity in the defense of life. We used to gather at the NATO summit in Vilnius to strengthen our defense cooperation.

We truly appreciate the G7 Declaration on Security Guarantees and the 26 bilateral security agreements that strengthen us all. And now more than 30 countries and the European Union have agreed on a declaration, a really strong declaration, aimed at restoring Ukraine after military operations.

This is a joint commitment to contribute to the recovery of Ukraine and support our path to the EU.

It involves the coordination of recovery efforts through the Ukrainian Donor Platform, which guarantees the implementation of our common ideas into reality.

And it is very important that this support becomes tangible already this year. That is why, by the end of the year, the allocation of additional financial resources with access to 50 billion dollars of frozen assets of the aggressor state Russia, which brought us this war, is planned.

This shows our common outlook on life – we protect people, and we provide people with the opportunity to live.

And it is absolutely justified that those who help us survive now will be the first – together with Ukraine – to benefit from large-scale reconstruction. Security and well-being are closely related, and one cannot exist without the other.

Unfortunately, throughout the history of mankind, wars too often broke the destinies of generations – lasting a few years, they poisoned life for decades.

Together we can prevent this now.

We must not leave behind ruins that will sow resentment and resentment after this war.

This can only be achieved together.

After the devastating Second World War, the Allies implemented the Marshall Plan, which strengthened the peace and helped it become truly lasting.

Today, we are laying the foundation for a similar architecture of recovery – one that will contribute to peace for Ukraine and all of Europe and general well-being.

I thank President Biden and all of you, my friends, and the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Malone, for your support in organizing today’s meeting and for your steadfast leadership in protecting our lives.

Thank you all, friends!

I am sure, life will win. Thank you!

Glory to Ukraine!

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