September 29, 2024
Zelensky explained what will happen next with his Victory Plan thumbnail

Zelensky explained what will happen next with his Victory Plan

During his visit to the USA, the President of Ukraine presented his Victory Plan for Ukraine to all interested parties. Now his fate will be decided in October in Germany. Zelensky said this in his evening address on September 27. “The victory plan has been presented to America, and we have explained every point. Now at the level of our teams, we will work to fill every step, every”, — write on:

During his visit to the USA, the President of Ukraine presented his Victory Plan for Ukraine to all interested parties. Now his fate will be decided in October in Germany.

Zelenskyi said this in an evening address on September 27.

“The victory plan has been presented to America, and we have explained every point. Now, at the level of our teams, we will work to fill every step, every decision we make. Strong positions for Ukraine mean faster peace. Everything that is key for Ukraine is on the partners’ table, everything is being considered. Long-range, defense package, sanctions against the Russian Federation, steps regarding Russian assets. We managed to work on all topics. We are preparing for a meeting in Germany within the framework of “Ramstein” – this is a format where, together with our partners, we will follow the contents of the points of the Victory Plan. I thank President Biden for the invitation,” he said.

We will remind, on October 12, Germany will host a meeting of allies in the Rammstein format, which was convened and will be personally held by US President Joe Biden. Chancellor Olaf Scholz also invited the leaders of other countries – the main allies of Ukraine – to discuss the war.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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