September 29, 2024
Zelensky commented on Putin's nuclear threats thumbnail

Zelensky commented on Putin’s nuclear threats

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is making nuclear threats again, and his intentions can be unpredictable. This was stated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview for Fox News. Zelensky noted that no one can predict what Putin is really thinking: “He can use nuclear weapons against any country at any time. Or not. I’m not sure he is”, — write on:

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is making nuclear threats again, and his intentions can be unpredictable.

This was stated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in an interview for Fox News.

Zelensky noted that no one can predict what Putin is really thinking: “He can use nuclear weapons against any country at any time. Or not. I’m not sure he will.”

He also emphasized that he cannot know exactly the intentions of the Russian leader, because “he is not always adequate.”

“No adequate person could come to Ukraine and do what he did. I think he loves his life and the way he manages the lives of others. Therefore, in my opinion, he should be afraid of the use of nuclear weapons,” added Zelensky.

We previously wrote that during the week, the Russian invaders used almost 900 aerial bombs, more than 300 Shaheds and more than 40 missiles against Ukraine.

We will also remind you that President Volodymyr Zelenskyi considers the tragedy of Babi Yar a terrible symbol of the fact that the most terrible crimes occur when the world chooses to ignore, remain silent, be indifferent and not resolute enough to give a worthy rebuff to evil.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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