September 27, 2024
Ukraine is waiting for a decision on increasing the electricity import limit by the end of the year thumbnail

Ukraine is waiting for a decision on increasing the electricity import limit by the end of the year

The adoption of a decision on increasing the technical capabilities for Ukraine’s import of electricity from Europe, which Kyiv expected in September, is being delayed and may be adopted by the end of the year. “RBK-Ukraine” was informed about this by several sources, both in Ukraine and in international structures. Currently, experts of the European Network of System Operators of Electricity Transmission (ENTSO-E) are calculating such a possibility, said one of the interlocutors”, — write on:

The adoption of a decision on increasing the technical capabilities for Ukraine’s import of electricity from Europe, which Kyiv expected in September, is being delayed and may be adopted by the end of the year.

“RBK-Ukraine” was informed about this by several sources, both in Ukraine and in international structures.

Currently, experts of the European Network of System Operators of Electricity Transmission (ENTSO-E) are calculating such a possibility, said one of the interlocutors of the publication. ENTSO-E must be confident that the increase in electricity supply will be safe for the operation of the European energy system. “The result is expected by the end of the year,” he said.

At the same time, the source did not rule out that the decision could be made by the end of autumn.

Ukraine is trying to negotiate an increase in the electricity import limit from the current 1.7 GW to at least 2.2 GW. There is already a political decision for this from the European Commission, it remains to get a technical opinion from ENTSO-E. He was expected in Kyiv in September.

Another interlocutor of the publication noted that Kyiv’s expectations were somewhat exaggerated.

“These are systemic restrictions from ENTSO-E and they never said that there is an opportunity to increase (import limit – ed.). They studied, but so far they have not given a single answer “yes”, – said the interlocutor.

The director of the “Psyche” center, Gennady Ryabtsev, in a comment to the publication, noted that it is not profitable for ENTSO-E participants to increase the capacity of networks towards Ukraine. The reason is that it can reduce the efficiency of the system as a whole, due to the fact that consumers in Ukraine need energy only at certain hours and with different capacities.

“The solution may be the construction of new transmission lines and the conclusion of fixed-term contracts for the import of certain amounts of energy. Without them, it is unlikely that the capacity will be raised above 1.9-2.0 GW,” the expert said.

The day before, Ukrenergo proposed to raise the electricity transmission tariff by 48% in 2025, to UAH 783.71 per MWh.

Earlier we wrote that on Monday morning, September 23, we recorded an increase in the level of electricity consumption. That’s why energy workers were asked to consume electricity sparingly.

We will also remind you that, taking into account the restored generation, Ukrainian energy companies will be able to prepare approximately 14-15 GW of generating capacity for work by the beginning of December.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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