September 27, 2024
The Russians made it impossible to add the Khan's Palace to the UNESCO list thumbnail

The Russians made it impossible to add the Khan’s Palace to the UNESCO list

The Khan’s Palace in Bakhchisaria can no longer be included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, because the authenticity of the building has been violated. Crimean Tatar historian, journalist and writer Gulnara Abdulaeva told about this in an interview with Ukrinform. “If we are talking about the material heritage, then after 1944 we have crumbs left, but they are also crumbling now. More precisely, they are simply systematically destroyed, erasing the historical one”, — write on:

The Khan’s Palace in Bakhchisaria can no longer be included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, because the authenticity of the building has been violated.

Crimean Tatar historian, journalist and writer Gulnara Abdulaeva told about this in an interview with Ukrinform.

“If we are talking about the material heritage, then after 1944 we have crumbs left, but they are also crumbling now. More precisely, they are simply systematically destroyed, erasing the historical and genetic memory of Crimean Tatars from the territory of Crimea itself. In particular, we are losing the Khan Palace, which can no longer be included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, because the authenticity of the building has been violated. We know that UNESCO has not been able to do anything even with Chersonesus Tavria, which is also being destroyed, and it is already on the list,” Abdulaeva said.

In her opinion, after the deoccupation of Crimea, Ukraine will need to use world experience

restoration of historical monuments.

“The world has experience in restoring historical monuments. For example, Warsaw was completely destroyed and rebuilt. I think that the same will happen with Crimea – we will restore it. But we must be prepared for the fact that we will face a very large scale of destruction,” the historian noted.

We will remind that in the temporarily occupied Crimea, the occupiers are building some kind of defensive structure in the area of ​​the Kerch Bridge. They have already done this several times, but failed due to difficult weather conditions.

Currently, the aggressor country is trying to protect the Kerch Bridge as much as possible, despite the fact that now there is actually no naval component for its defense.

The Ukrainian military has a plan to finally destroy the illegally erected Kerch bridge and return occupied Crimea. Details will not be disclosed yet.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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