September 29, 2024
The Ministry of Health explained who will be able to buy drugs with cannabis thumbnail

The Ministry of Health explained who will be able to buy drugs with cannabis

Doctors will prescribe medical cannabis for certain illnesses and only when other medications are ineffective or cause serious side effects. This is reported by the Ministry of Health. It is noted that it will be possible to obtain medicine based on medical cannabis only with an electronic prescription, which will be issued by a doctor of primary or specialized medical care. The Ministry of Health also informed that all relevant appointments will be recorded”, — write on:

Doctors will prescribe medical cannabis for certain illnesses and only when other medications are ineffective or cause serious side effects.

This is reported by the Ministry of Health.

It is noted that it will be possible to obtain medicine based on medical cannabis only with an electronic prescription, which will be issued by a doctor of primary or specialized medical care. The Ministry of Health also reported that all relevant appointments will be recorded in the electronic health care system.

It is also important to remember that the dosage and regimen can be determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s age, weight, state of health and other factors.

The Ministry of Health drew attention to the fact that medical cannabis will be prescribed only in cases where other drugs are ineffective or cause serious side effects.

Thus, it can be prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Chronic or neuropathic pain and/or spasticity due to:
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • diabetic neuropathy;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • damage to the trigeminal and facial nerves;
    • neuralgia due to shingles;
    • damage to nerve roots and plexuses;
    • compression of nerve roots and plexuses in diseases;
    • mononeuropathy of the upper or lower limb;
    • polyneuropathy and other lesions of the peripheral nervous system;
    • cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes;
    • spinal cord injuries and intracranial injuries.
  • Nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy during the treatment of neoplasms.
  • Parkinson’s disease, de la Tourette’s syndrome.
  • Refractory (drug-resistant) epilepsy.
  • Diseases that cause seizures in children:
    • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome;
    • Dravet syndrome;
    • tuberous sclerosis.
  • Weight loss associated with anorexia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease.
  • Other diseases (if there is a conclusion of the medical and advisory commission).
  • The Ministry of Health added that the list of diseases and conditions was based on the most modern research and evidence of effectiveness. The department also added that it will be periodically revised and expanded upon the availability of new evidence-based studies.

    We will remind that on August 16, the law on the legalization of medical cannabis was put into effect in Ukraine.

    In Ukraine, support for the legalization of medical cannabis increased among those who were told that it would help ease the pain of sick people. During the experiment, different groups of people were asked questions with different wording.

    In 2021, the Ministry of Health presented the government law on medical cannabis for public discussion.

    All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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