September 27, 2024
The Ministry of Energy explained the current situation in the energy system thumbnail

The Ministry of Energy explained the current situation in the energy system

The Ministry of Energy reports a stable situation in the energy system, despite enemy attacks. During the day, there were power outages in 3 regions, 501 settlements remain without electricity due to hostilities and technical violations. The Ministry of Energy reported this on Friday. “Thanks to the efforts of energy workers, the situation in the power system remains stable, but damage caused by enemy attacks complicates its work,” they said.”, — write on:

The Ministry of Energy reports a stable situation in the energy system, despite enemy attacks. During the day, there were power outages in 3 regions, 501 settlements remain without electricity due to hostilities and technical violations.

The Ministry of Energy reported this on Friday.

“Thanks to the efforts of energy workers, the situation in the power system remains stable, but damage caused by enemy attacks complicates its work,” the Ministry of Energy said.

And they urged Ukrainians to continue to consume electricity economically and responsibly during peak hours.

Over the past day, due to shelling and fighting, there were power cuts in the Donetsk, Kharkiv and Kherson regions.

In the Donetsk region, equipment was damaged as a result of shelling of the territory of the substation. Consumers were not cut off.

In the Kharkiv region, substations and household consumers were cut off during the shelling. Power has been restored.

Volyn region: as a result of strong winds, substations, household and industrial consumers lost power. Power has been restored.

City of Kyiv: due to technological reasons, the equipment of one of the substations was turned off, while household and industrial consumers were cut off. The power supply was restored according to the backup scheme.

In the morning, 501 settlements remain partially or completely without electricity due to hostilities and technical violations.

Last day, energy companies restored power to 26,275 consumers who were cut off as a result of hostilities and technological violations.

For the current day, imports from Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Moldova are forecast with a maximum capacity of 1,202 MW in individual hours.

Earlier, Minister of Energy German Galushchenko predicted that Ukraine will pass the winter in a normal mode of electricity supply, provided there are no new heavy blows from the Russian Federation on energy.

And the former head of Ukrenergo, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, in an interview with the European Parliament, stated that power outages are possible in the winter, even if all plans to restore generation facilities are implemented.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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