September 27, 2024
The event will prepare specialists from Ukrainians for the restoration of the country thumbnail

The event will prepare specialists from Ukrainians for the restoration of the country

The EU, Poland and Estonia have joined the Skills4Recovery program, which provides for the training of 4,700 qualified specialists for the recovery of Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy. Expanded assistance within the framework of the Skills4Recovery initiative launched by the German government involves: more than doubling the total donor contributions to Skills4Recovery from €10 million to €25.5 million; training of more than 4,700 qualified workers”, — write on:

The EU, Poland and Estonia have joined the Skills4Recovery program, which provides for the training of 4,700 qualified specialists for the recovery of Ukraine.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy.

Extended assistance within the framework of the Skills4Recovery initiative launched by the German government includes:

  • more than doubling of total donor contributions to Skills4Recovery — from €10 million to €25.5 million;
  • training of more than 4,700 qualified workers for the economy of Ukraine;
  • support of 50 providers of professional education services;
  • dissemination of best practices regarding the management of educational institutions, inclusion, digitalization and cooperation with the private sector throughout Ukraine;
  • advisory assistance in policy formulation for the implementation of the measures of the Plan of Ukraine in the field of human capital development and accession to the EU.

In addition, now the initiative will not be extended to six oblasts, but to the entire territory of Ukraine.

“Overcoming structural unemployment and imbalances in the labor market through the development of human capital is one of the priority tasks for the government. Thanks to the expansion of the Skills4Recovery program, more than 4,700 Ukrainians in all regions will be able to learn a new profession or improve their qualifications, which will help them become more competitive in the labor market. Half a hundred educational institutions of vocational and technical schools will receive support and the opportunity to increase their capabilities in training in-demand specialists. We thank our partners for taking joint steps to strengthen human capital in Ukraine,” said Yuliya Svyridenko, head of the Ministry of Economy.

Meanwhile, South Korea and the Czech Republic signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of humanitarian aid and reconstruction of Ukraine.

At the International Conference on Reconstruction, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine signed agreements with Belgium and Germany on cooperation in the reconstruction of educational institutions.

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