September 27, 2024
A scheme of large-scale smuggling of Apple equipment was exposed in Lviv region thumbnail

A scheme of large-scale smuggling of Apple equipment was exposed in Lviv region

In the Lviv region, law enforcement officers exposed dealers who organized a scheme to illegally move wholesale batches of Apple equipment. Mostly women carried gadgets through checkpoints, crossing the border several times a day. This was reported in the press service of the Bureau of Economic Security. “Among the goods illegally entering Ukraine were Amazon liquidation lots, which are usually bought from third parties in”, — write on:

In the Lviv region, law enforcement officers exposed dealers who organized a scheme to illegally move wholesale batches of Apple equipment. Mostly women carried gadgets through checkpoints, crossing the border several times a day.

This was reported in the press service of the Bureau of Economic Security.

“Among the goods that illegally entered Ukraine were Amazon liquidation lots, which are usually bought from third parties in the countries of the European Union, the United States and China. The equipment was brought to Ukraine, hidden from customs control, for further sale in retail chains of the Lviv region “, – , the message says.

To cross the border with equipment, the organizers of the scheme involved mostly women. During one day, they could pass through the “Mostyska-Przemysl” crossing point 3-7 times, and carry from 2 to 7 mobile phones in their personal belongings.

“It was also established that for the purpose of the conspiracy, the women disguised themselves and periodically declared 1 phone, allegedly for their own use. In the future, all the illegally moved gadgets were stored in warehouses or vehicles not far from the border,” the BEB said in a statement.

During the searches, detectives seized 88 iPhone 16 pro/16 pro max, 2 iPhone 15 Pro Max, AirPods 4, AirPods Max with case, Apple Watch 10 series.

The day before, customs officials discovered 168 hidden Xiaomi smartphones worth UAH 2 million at the border with Poland. The 19-year-old minibus driver tried to smuggle them into Ukraine by hiding them behind the interior paneling.

Before that, undeclared new iPhone 16 and other expensive equipment were discovered on the Ukrainian border with Poland. It is known that iPhone 16 is not yet officially sold in Ukraine.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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