September 29, 2024
Contact center and online service: the Ministry of Defense told about new changes in recruiting thumbnail

Contact center and online service: the Ministry of Defense told about new changes in recruiting

It is also planned to open 5-7 recruiting centers in the next two months.”, — write:

It is also planned to open 5-7 recruiting centers in the next two months.

The Ministry of Defense plans to open new recruiting centers / photo of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineThe Ministry of Defense plans to open new recruiting centers / photo of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of UkraineThe Ministry of Defense of Ukraine plans to improve the recruiting process, in particular, to open new recruiting centers, create a single contact center and launch proactive online recruiting. Oleksiy Bezhevets, the authorized officer of the Ministry of Defense for recruiting, told about this.

In particular, he said that in the next two months it is planned to open 5-7 more recruiting centers. According to him, the formation of the network is being completed, all processes and algorithms are being improved as much as possible in interaction with the General Staff.

“We already have several channels when a person, facing some misunderstandings in the recruitment process, can complain. This algorithm is being built, firstly, through our centers of our recruiters, the hotline of the Ministry of Defense, links on our website,” Bezhevets said. .

Also, in the near future, the IOU will launch a contact center where people will be able to get all the information about recruiting.

“Someone wants to consult, some to receive information, some to get advice, and some to complain. People who do just that will be sitting specially for this, in order to process and react as quickly as possible,” he explained.

In addition, from October, the Ministry of Defense will launch a new stage in the process of involvement in the Defense Forces – online recruiting.

“This is when specially trained recruiters will not just wait for a person to see an advertisement and contact them, but proactively. For example, a person is looking for a job, you are looking for a driver position. “Ivan Ivanovich, please look: we have a vacancy for you on your profile. Maybe you will be interested,” he said.

Online recruiting – what is knownEarlier, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for Digitalization Kateryna Chernogorenko reported that the recruiting service in the “Reserve+” application will become available in October 2024.

According to her explanation, actual vacancies in military units will appear in the application. The recruiting service in “Rezerv+” should help users choose positions that best match their experience, skills and preferences. Both combat and non-combat positions will be available.

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