September 29, 2024
The National Bank does not buy currency for the third week thumbnail

The National Bank does not buy currency for the third week

During the week from September 23 to 27, the National Bank of Ukraine sold 756.15 million dollars at the interbank, while not buying foreign currency.”, — write:

During the week from September 23 to 27, the National Bank of Ukraine sold 756.15 million dollars at the interbank, while not buying foreign currency.

About this is known from NBU statistics.

According to the data, from September 16 to 20, the National Bank sold $756.15 million, which is $70.25 million more than last week. At the same time, the National Bank did not buy currency during the week.

In total, since the beginning of the year, the National Bank sold 23.4 billion dollars, while it bought 119.2 million dollars.

Earlier reportedthat the Board of the National Bank on January 25 decided to leave the discount rate at the level of 15%. As noted, this decision is related to the need to further maintain exchange rate stability, maintain moderate inflation in 2024 and bring it to the target range of 5%.

October 2, 2023 National Bank announced about the transition from the fixed exchange rate regime. Starting from October 3, 2023, the official exchange rate of the dollar began to change – for the first time since July 2022.

We will remind:

For the week from September 16 to 20, the National Bank of Ukraine sold 826.4 million dollars at the interbank, while not buying currency.

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