September 29, 2024
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reacted to Switzerland's statement of support for the "Chinese-Brazilian consensus" thumbnail

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reacted to Switzerland’s statement of support for the “Chinese-Brazilian consensus”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reacted to Switzerland’s statement of support for the “Chinese-Brazilian consensus”. They expressed disappointment with the information provided. This is stated in a comment on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “We cannot understand the logic of such a decision. After all, together with the Swiss Confederation, we organized the First Global Peace Summit on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock, which was attended by representatives of a hundred countries”, — write on:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reacted to Switzerland’s statement of support for the “Chinese-Brazilian consensus”. They expressed disappointment with the information provided.

This is stated in a comment on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“We cannot understand the logic of such a decision. After all, together with the Swiss Confederation, we organized the First Global Peace Summit on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock, which was attended by representatives of a hundred countries and international institutions,” the comment states.

The Ministry reminded that Switzerland participates in thematic conferences on specific points of the Ukrainian Peace Formula, designed to prepare a common peace framework for the restoration of “comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.”

All ideas, discussions and plans for the restoration of peace for Ukraine should be based on two principles: “nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine”, as well as proposals that are based on the UN Charter and include respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders, noted in the department.

The peace formula of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is considered the only way to a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace, because there is no need to create additional formats and platforms for discussing ways to achieve peace for Ukraine.

“Any initiatives that do not contain a clear reference to the UN Charter and do not guarantee the full restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine are unacceptable. Such “peaceful initiatives” only create the illusion of dialogue, while the aggressor continues his criminal actions,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Switzerland and all other countries that support the law and the UN Charter were urged to avoid participating in such initiatives.

According to the publication Swissinfo, on Saturday, September 28, the spokesman of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) Nicolas Bideau stated that Switzerland supports the principles of the initiative of China and Brazil to end the Russian-Ukrainian war. The country calls for a ceasefire and a political solution to the conflict.

Bideau also added that the Sino-Brazilian initiative is important because it offers an alternative to the “belligerent speeches” that have been heard at the UN from both the Ukrainian and Russian sides.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi mentioned the importance of the UN Charter in the context of this initiative at the UN Security Council this week, the FDFA spokesman recalled.

At the same time, Switzerland has always emphasized the importance of referring to the Charter in peace initiatives, Bideau added.

Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed outrage over the decision of the Swiss film festival Zurich Film Festival to include the documentary film “Russians at War” in the program.

We will remind you that earlier, thanks to the efforts of Ukrainian diplomats and activists, the Canadian company TVO, which financed the creation of the Russian tape, refused to support it.

However, the Toronto International Film Festival still planned to show a film about “ordinary Russians at war.”

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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