September 29, 2024
President Volodymyr Zelenskyi recalled the tragedy of Babyny Yar on the anniversary thumbnail

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi recalled the tragedy of Babyny Yar on the anniversary

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi considers the tragedy of Babiny Yar a terrible symbol of the fact that the most terrible crimes occur when the world chooses to ignore, remain silent, be indifferent and not resolute enough to give a worthy rebuff to evil. The head of state wrote about this in Telegram on the occasion of the anniversary of the Babyny Yar tragedy. “On September 29-30, 1941, in just two days in Kyiv, the Nazis shot more than”, — write on:

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi considers the tragedy of Babiny Yar a terrible symbol of the fact that the most terrible crimes occur when the world chooses to ignore, remain silent, be indifferent and not resolute enough to give a worthy rebuff to evil.

The head of state wrote about this in Telegram on the occasion of the anniversary of the Babyny Yar tragedy.

“On September 29-30, 1941, in just two days, the Nazis shot more than 30,000 Jews in Kyiv. On the “road of death” they drove entire families of the city’s residents to the ravine – men, children, women, and pregnant women. The scale of this evil is still difficult to comprehend,” Zelensky said.

In total, about 100,000 people were killed in Babi Yar during the Nazi occupation. Virtually the entire Jewish community of Kyiv was destroyed, and even those who tried to save them. Representatives of other nationalities also became victims.

“Babin Yar is a terrible symbol of the fact that the most terrible crimes take place when the world chooses not to notice, to be silent, to be indifferent, to be not resolute enough to give a worthy rebuff to evil,” the president emphasized.

The head of state emphasized that “when the eyes of the world are closed, humanity loses.”

“Babyn Yar is a clear proof of the atrocities that regimes led by leaders who rely on intimidation and violence are capable of. They are no different at all times. But the reaction of the world should be different,” Zelenskyi said.

The president added that “this is what the world had to learn.”

“It is necessary to stand guard over humanity, life and justice. We must protect ourselves from evil. Eternal memory to all victims of the Nazis! Eternal condemnation to everyone who is guilty of the murders in Babyny Yar!” – emphasized Zelensky.

On Sunday, September 29, Ukraine commemorates the victims of the tragedy in Babi Yar – one of the most terrible symbols of the Holocaust.

Earlier, the district court in Hamburg found 95-year-old Ursula Haverbeck, who repeatedly publicly denied the Holocaust, guilty of inciting people and sentenced her to one year and four months in prison.

It will be recalled that in Germany, unknown persons revived the Nazi practice of marking the houses of Jews.

In connection with anti-Semitic incidents that have become more frequent in Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on all fellow citizens to protect Jews, calling it a matter of civic courage.

All insider information and current information on our Telegram channel, as well as bonuses and breaking news.

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