September 29, 2024
In more than 200 cities and villages of the LNR, not a single store is open - Lysohor thumbnail

In more than 200 cities and villages of the LNR, not a single store is open – Lysohor

In more than 200 cities and villages of the LPR, not a single grocery store is open – Lysogor In more than 200 cities and villages of the occupied Luhansk region, not a single grocery store is open. Twice a week, car dealerships come there for 1-2 hours, said Artem Lysogor, head of the Luhansk OVA.”, — write on:

There is not a single grocery store in more than 200 settlements of the so-called “LNR”. Recently, car shops come there twice a week for one or two hours. This was announced by the head of the Luhansk OVA, Artem Lysohor, in Telegram, reports UNN.

There is not a single grocery store in more than 200 settlements of the so-called “LNR”. These cities and villages are located on the territory of 22 administrative-territorial units. That is, in communities occupied not only in 2022, but also in 2014. For ten years, nothing has been done there to improve the infrastructure – there is nowhere to even buy bread

According to him, recently, car dealerships have been coming there twice a week, working for one or two hours each and then heading to the neighboring village.

“The occupiers turned some of the previously developed settlements of Luhansk region into a ‘Russian outback,'” Lysogor noted.

Lysohor also reported that builders in Rubizhne are demanding money for installing windows or replacing pipes.

In Rubizhnye, men get jobs in construction, counting not only on wages. During the demonstrative restoration of the surviving high-rise buildings, they offer the owners, if they are present, to install windows or replace the pipes for a fee. In empty apartments, repairs have to be made only at the expense of funds promised by the contractor. Therefore, the motivation is different

For searches and denunciations: in Luhansk region, the occupiers want to return the Soviet practice of “people’s wives”September 27, 2024, 08:10 • 14855 views

In addition, he reported that the enemy attacked near Stelmakhivka and Balka Zhuravka (Nevsky).

In the area of ​​these two villages, hostilities took place almost continuously. The enemy also tried to storm near Grekivka, Makiivka, and Bilogorivka. 70 times the Russians opened fire in the direction of our fortifications and settlements located along the battle line. 38 drones were used. They were hit 32 times by barrel and rocket artillery. The main direction is Balka Zhuravka

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