September 29, 2024
The occupiers are taking people from TOT to remote regions of the Russian Federation under the guise of "evacuation" - Opposition thumbnail

The occupiers are taking people from TOT to remote regions of the Russian Federation under the guise of “evacuation” – Opposition

The occupiers are taking people from TOT to remote regions of the Russian Federation under the guise of “evacuation” – ResistanceOver 23,000 Ukrainians, including 6,127 children, are being held in temporary accommodation centers in the Russian Federation. Russia plans to increase the number of such points from 314 to 400, assimilating Ukrainians and using them as cheap labor.”, — write on:

More than 23 thousand Ukrainian citizens are kept by the Russian occupiers in temporary accommodation centers in various regions of the Russian Federation. 6127 of them are children. For the most part, our people were taken out of Ukraine to remote regions under the pretext of “evacuation”. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, writes UNN.


It is noted that mostly Ukrainians were forcibly removed from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine under the guise of “evacuation”. However, the conditions of detention in these points do not meet the standards of safety and comfort, and the main goal of the Kremlin is the assimilation of Ukrainians into Russian society and their use as cheap labor.

The main goal of the occupiers is to assimilate as many Ukrainians as possible into Russian society, to use them as a cheap but reliable workforce,

The Center also emphasized that the Russian Federation plans to increase the number of such temporary accommodation points from 314 to more than 400, allocating funds from the federal budget for this purpose.

International law prohibits the transfer of people from occupied territories, regardless of their age or health. Forced displacement of civilians without valid reasons can be considered a war crime, and in some cases a crime against humanity.

We will remind

As previously reported by Sprotiv, from January 1, 2025, Ukrainians without a Russian passport in the occupied territories will receive the status of foreigners. They will have to register for migration or obtain a temporary residence permit.

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